Generate Laravel adminpanel in minutes - try our QuickAdminPanel!

Author: Povilas Korop

QuickAdminPanel API Generator with Laravel Sanctum

As a part of our generated code, we also generate API Controllers and Routes. By popular demand, in late 2020, we switched their protection from Laravel Passport to more popular Laravel Sanctum. This article will show how to use Sanctum-protected API from your front-end.

NEW Feature: Column Search in CRUDs – with One Checkbox

We’ve released a new feature – when creating/editing a CRUD, you can specify to enable a “Column search”. Then, in your datatable, you will have a field to search not only in all the table, but also in each field separately.

How to Add a Front Homepage to Admin Panel

By default, our generated code contains only the admin panel – no front page, and the main URL automatically redirects to /login. But it’s easy to start building your front-end part, this article will show you how.

5 Ways to Use Raw Database Queries in Laravel

Laravel has a great database mechanism called Eloquent, also a powerful Query Builder, but sometimes it makes sense to just use plain SQL, in the form of Raw Queries. In this article, I will show you the most common examples of this approach.

PSR-2 and PSR-12: Why We Need Standards and How to Apply Them

Tabs or Spaces? Ok spaces, but then 2 or 4 spaces? Some of you probably will answer “doesn’t matter, it will still work”. Let me guess, you probably work alone, not in a team of developers? Cause as soon as there are multiple people pushing the code, there needs to be a coding standard. This article will show you how to adopt it.