Expense Manager
Laravel 8 based system Expense manager with multi-tenancy registration
Generated with Quick Admin Panel, added custom Laravel code on top.
Laravel 8 based system Expense manager with multi-tenancy registration
Laravel 8 simple classifieds list, based on Classimax theme, including admin panel
Laravel 8 based system for freelancers to manage their clients/projects/income
Laravel 8 based system for beauty salons or clinics to manage appointments
Laravel 8 based event page with managing speakers/schedule and other details
Laravel 8 adminpanel boilerplate based on Material Dashboard by Creative Tim
Laravel 8 knowledge base (FAQ) page with managing articles and categories
Laravel 8 Job Listings page with managing jobs, companies and categories
Laravel 8 Courses Listings with student enrollment and admin approval/rejection
Laravel 8 Support Helpdesk system for customers, admins and agents
Laravel 8 Shops Map with address autocomplete and multi-tenancy
Laravel 8 Timetable for Schools and Teachers/Students
Laravel 8 Stock Management for Hospitals or other Companies
Laravel 8 adminpanel boilerplate based on Tailwindcomponents/Dashboard theme
Laravel 8 system to manage clients, sales reps and contracts
Laravel 6 system to view reports of attendance by start/end time
Laravel 7 system to manage events/blog and view them with filters
Laravel 7 system to manage bus rides and book them from timetable
Laravel 8 system to order house moving with email notifications and payment form
Laravel 7 system to mark attendance, send monthly invoices and view revenue
Laravel 7 workflow system to submit loan and get approved by various roles
Laravel 8 digital coupons system to generate codes and purchase them